Ali Atabaki
Literature / History

Ali Atabaki was born in Shiraz in 1969. He specializes in Iran’s pre-historic and historic archaeology. He received his doctorate degree in Pune, India in 2009. Dr. Atabaki has more than 15 years of experience of teaching in Iranian universities and higher education institutions and over 15 years of experience in archaeological excavations on various sites in Iran, including Hegmateneh Hill in Hamedan, Tal Bakoon in Marvdasht, Fars (in collaboration with Parse-Pasargad Foundation and University of Chicago Oriental Institute) and Tal Bandu in Mamasani, Fars. He has been the head of the Committee of Archaeological and Anthropological Research In the Central Iranian Plateau in Fars and Khuzestan provinces and the head of the national archaeological mapping team in the province of Ghom. He is the author of several published articles and has conducted many international lectures in Iran, Canada, India, Russia and Italy.
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