Saeid Shanbehzadeh

Saied is a Neyanban and Neyjofti virtuoso and an amazing dancer. His body and his instrument became united for a pure and surprising demonstration that will evoke the trance. By the age of twenty Saied created his own music group, The Shanbehzadeh Ensemble, which won the first prize at Tehran Fajr Music Festival in 1990. On the other hand and at the same time, he began to conduct research and write about southern music in Iranian magazines. His research on the ethnomusicology of the southern region led him to collect a variety of local folklore music of Iran’s regions and thus created a very rich musical archive. As a result of his research and his concerts, Saied is now a national and internationally well-known musician. Back in 1996,He was invited to teach at University of Toronto for two semesters. Two years later, he became the director and head principal at the Kish Island's House of Culture and Music. In 2001 he co-operated with the French Montalvo/Herviue dance company in creation and touring of the Babelle Heureuse show,which has been performed more than two hundred times in France, Europe and South America. In 2007,He was invited by La Cite de La Music of Paris to teach dance, singing and music. Saied also provided workshops in schools in partnership with Le Theatre de Chaillot, Le Musee du Louvres and La Coppagnie Montalvo/Hervieu and Cite De la musique Paris.In 2011, Saeid was given an artist residency at Abbey De La Pree by the Pour Que L'Espirit Vive association and annual and global master class for Iranian (Classical and Traditional) musicians, held by western music professionals. In September 2014, Saied organized Zar International Music and Dance Festival in Istanbul, in order to create a cultural and musical link between the east and the west.
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