You can make your donations to Tirgan Festival either as a one-time gift or on a monthly basis by signing up for pre-authorized donations.
What is pre-authorized donation?
Pre-authorized donation (PAD) allows your bank to transfer pre-determined payments from your bank account monthly on a specific date to Tirgan Festival.
When are PADs processed?
PADs are processed on the first day (1st) of each month except when that day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case the funds are transferred the following business day.
Can I make changes to my PAD agreement?
YES. You may modify your agreement at any time to change the amount of your monthly contribution. Should you decide to change or terminate your agreement, just contact Tirgan Office at [email protected]
How do PADs help Tirgan Festival?
PADs assist Tirgan to faster move forward towards becoming a professional organization, enjoy a larger number of engaged fans and supporters and better achieve its objectives which include the following:
o Contributing to the enrichment and promoting of Iranian arts and culture
o Raising cultural awareness especially among the second and third generations of Canadians of Iranian background
o Building a stronger community through teamwork and dialogue
o promoting cross-cultural dialogue and understanding through arts and culture
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