Scarlet Stone (Mohreye Sorkh)

The Scarlet Stone is a multidisciplinary and collaborative dance/theatre/music/animation work by Shahrokh Yadegari, in collaboration with Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam, featuring performances by some of the most acclaimed artists of the Iranian diaspora. The Scarlet Stone is based on the Shahnameh by Ferdowsi and the last work of Siavash Kasrai, Moher-ye Sorkh (Scarlet Stone). Using advanced theatrical audio visual approaches such as interactive projections and surround sound, The Scarlet Stone is a modern rendition of the ancient Persian mythology by Ferdowsi and Kasrai to portray the current struggle of the people of Iran, especially those of the youth and women, in their brave quest for freedom and democracy.
Adaptation, Direction, and Composition: Shahrokh Yadegari
Choreography and Costume Design: Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam
Featuring Performances by:
Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam: Sohrab
Afshin Mofid: Rostam
Ida Saki: Gordafarid
Miriam Peretz: Tahmineh
Gordafarid: Story Teller and Ferdowsi
Design Team:
Ian Wallace: Set and Interactive Projection
Wen-Ling Liao: Lighting
English Renditions: Sia and Eva Nemat-Nasser
Shahrokh Yadegari, composer, sound designer, and producer, has collaborated with such artists as...
Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam graduated from the University of Paris VIII with a degree in the History...
Afshin Mofid was born in Tehran, Iran in an artistic family. His parents Bijan Mofid and Farideh...
Miriam Peretz is an internationally acclaimed performing artist specializing in traditional...
Ida Saki, originally from Dallas, Texas, currently dances with Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet in...
Fatemeh Habibizad (a.k.a Gordafarid) The first female naqqal (storyteller) of Ferdowsi's...
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