Ida Saki

Ida Saki, originally from Dallas, Texas, currently dances with Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet in NYC. She graduated from Booker T. Washington Performing Arts Center and Dance Industry Performing Arts Center, and then furthered her training at New York University. She has received such accolades as modern dance winner from the National Foundation’s YoungArts, Texas Young Master, and has received national recognition from various organizations, including New York City Dance Alliance’s outstanding dancer of the year and one of Dance Magazine's Top 25 to watch in 2013. The National High School Dance Festival recognized her choreographic talents and awarded her the outstanding choreography award. Seen on the cover of many magazines, including Parastoo, Saki was also named Iranian of the Day. She was also the only female dancer to be selected by the U.S. Presidential Scholar Program to meet President Obama and be named a Presidential Scholar in the Arts in 2010. She is proudly one of the co-founders of Dancers Give Back Dallas, a non-profit organization bringing studios together for workshops and performances with proceeds going directly toward pediatric and adolescent cancer and patient support.
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