Nima Kiann

Having acquired a multi-disciplinary training in painting, calligraphy and graphics, Nima Kiann received his dance education at the Gothenburg Ballet Academy in Sweden and at the École supérieure de danse de Cannes Rosella Hightower in France.
Nima Kiann's concept and vision for establishing an international Persian ballet ensemble, inspired by the cultural and artistic heritage of Iran, was introduced in 1998 and had an international impact. A few years later Kiann’s visionary and laudable determination resulted in the recreation and revival of the former Iranian National Ballet. In 2002, the thirty two year old Nima Kiann founded Les Ballets Persans. The organization has become a representative cultural institution for the Middle Eastern art form of ballet in Europe. Today, this accomplishment has brought together the talents and creative resources of distinguished artists from all around the world, with the common goal of working for the revival and enrichment of a great cultural and artistic asset.
Nima Kiann has been the company’s principal choreographer and created a thematic repertoire based on Persian heritage ranging from classical ballets such as Scheherazade and Seven Beauties to neoclassical works like Babek. The contemporary productions such as Femme, the Hanging Gardens of Lost Dreams and Symphony of Elegy in Green are based on various literary, historical, spiritual or social themes.
In 2005, Nima Kiann founded the academy of Les Ballets Persans, arranging courses on classical and contemporary dance in order to evoke and develop the interest of young dancers. As a dance scholar, Kiann has published many articles on various aspects of Iranian dance and has been a frequent guest speaker on the subject at conferences and cultural gatherings.
In 2007, he founded European Dance Project, to offer to a select group of young dancers a unique opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge of ballet. The project soon became a platform for exploring the ties between artistic creativity and dramatic social issues such as war, dislocation, exile, and artistic suppression. The annual productions of the project with the young ballet graduates, tour across the world. Beside his artistic practice his cultural engagement includes directorship of several cultural associations and managing Parnian Radio in Sweden as founder and feature editor. His educational background in history, theology and dance theory, as well as his fluent command of six languages, has provided a rich resource for many published articles and research material.
Invited to Tajikistan in 2012 as Tajik National Ballet’s Principal Choreographer to introduce his repertoire of neoclassical and contemporary ballet, Kiann created exclusive choreographies for the company and for the first time introduced the contemporary dance to the dance community and audiences in Dushanbe. As the first appearance of the National Ballet of Tajikistan in the West since the fall of the Soviet Union, Nima Kiann brought the company to Europe and paved the way for the recently reestablished Tajik Ballet for development, new performing experience and cultural exchange.
As part of his endeavors to introduce a new dance repertoire in countries throughout Central Asia, Kiann visited Kyrgyzstan in 2014 to produce a dance perfromance for Marjan Television Network's (manoto1 TV) Nowruz program. He was personally accepted by Kyrgyzstan's Minister of Culture, Mr. Sultan Rayev, encouraged to advice on the development of the country's National Ballet company. In a press conference along with Ms. Baktygul Belekova, Deputy Culture Minister of Kyrgyzstan, artistic collaboration and cultural exchange between Les Ballets Persans and National Ballet of Kyrgyzstan was announced. After organizing Kyrgyz National Ballet's first artistic visit to Europe, some of his recent choreographies were performed at Bishkek International Dance Festival receiving termendus commendations from country's dance critics.
As a cultural administrator, Nima Kiann has been internationally consulting various cultural, peace and integration organizations such as International Peace Culture Festival, Biennial Arts and Culture Festival of Tirgan and Peace Quest International.
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